Well Come to C++ Programming
Lecture # 01 by Sajid Ali
A precise sequence of step to solve any particular Problem using
any programming language is known as computer program.
I always follow this quotation of Alan Perlis – Yale University:
“It goes against the grain of modern education to teach
children to program. What fun is there in making plans, acquiring discipline in
organizing thoughts, devoting attention to detail and learning to be
self-critical? “
For example you have a problem like this (write a program to calculate area of ring)
Those time you can write the program if you follow the above
Alan Perlis points.
Programming Languages:
High level languages:
Just as human beings communicate with each other through the
use of languages such as English. Programmers use a variety of programming
languages to communicate with the computer.
Eg. C, C++, Visual Basic, C#, and Java
Assembly language
Slightly more advanced programming
languages are called assembly languages. The assembly languages simplify the
programmer’s job by allowing the programmer to use mnemonics in place of the 0s
and 1s in the program. Mnemonics are memory aids—in this case, alphabetic
abbreviations for instructions.
Eg. MULL, ADD etc.
Low level language
Within a computer, all data is
represented by microscopic/tiny electronic switches that can be either OFF or
ON. The off switch is designated by a 0, and the on switch is designated by a 1.
Actually there are main two types of Programming languages but assembly
meets with high level & low level Language.
Good books For C++ Programming:
If you read this two books I hope you will be a good
Programmer in C++
C++ Programming From Problem Analysis to Program
Design [5th Edition] By DS Malik
How to program C++ [5th Edition] By Deital &
Required IDEs For C++:
(Dev C++ 5.1 Version, Turbo C++,code block or
Borland C++ )
Simple Program Structure Of C++:
#include <iostream>
Using namespace std; std use for display
Int main ( )
{ cout << “ Hellow World :“;
( ”” ) inverted comas use for as it is print your text on screen
Terminator (;) terminate your program statements
this show your
return type because your main type is integer
Curly braces shows
your program start to stop;
Pre-processor Directive/Header
It is an instruction given to the
compiler before the execution of actual program.Include preprocessor directive
is used in C++ to include header files in the program.
Directive Header
Main ( ) Function:
It is the starting point of a C++ program. C++ statements
are written in the body of the main () function.
int main( )
of the main function
Course Content:
Topics in C++
• Basic
C++ Programming construct
• Structured
• Functions
• Arrays
• Pointers
• Strings
• Dynamic
Memory allocation
• File
• Exception
• Structure
& union
• Data
• template
• Graphics
• Vectors
• Event