Control Structure-1
computer can process a program in one of the following ways: in sequence;
selectively, by making a choice, which is also called a branch; repetitively,
by executing a statement over and over, using a structure called a loop; or by
calling a function. Control structures provide alternatives to sequential
program execution and are used to alter the sequential flow of execution. The
two most common control structures are selection and repetition. In selection, the program executes particular
statements depending on some condition in repetition, the program repeats particular statements a certain number of
times based on some condition
there are only two logical values, true and false, they turn out to be extremely
because they permit programs to incorporate decision making that alters the
processing flow. The remainder of this chapter discusses ways to incorporate
decisions into a program. In C++, there are two selections, or branch control
structures: if statements
and the switch structure. This section discusses how if and if. . .else statements can be used to create
one-way selection, two-way selection, and multiple selections.
If Structure:
(One-Way Selection):
A bank
would like to send a notice to a customer if her or his checking account
balance falls below the required minimum balance. That is, if the account
balance is below the required minimum balance, it should send a notice to the
customer; otherwise, it should do nothing. Similarly, if the policyholder of an
insurance policy is a nonsmoker, the company would like to apply a 10% discount
to the policy premium. Both of these examples involve one-way selection. In
C++, one-way selections are incorporated using if statement. The syntax of one-way
selection is: if (expression)
the elements of this syntax. It begins with the reserved word if, followed by
an expression contained
within parentheses, followed by a statement. Note that the parentheses around the expression are part of the syntax.
The expression is sometimes
called a decision maker because it
decides whether to execute the statement that follows it. The expression
is usually a logical expression. If the value of the expression is true, the statement executes. If the value is false, the statement does not execute and the computer
goes on to the next statement in the program. The statement following the expression is sometimes called the action statement.
Basic Structure of If:
If ( conditions);
If ( conditions)
The below
example explain the basic Structure & implementation of If Structure
//Program: Absolute value of an integer
#include <iostream>
Using namespace std;
Int main ()
Int number, temp;
Cout <<
"Line 1: Enter an integer: "; //Line 1
>> number;
//Line 2
<< endl;
//Line 3
temp = number; //Line 4
if (number < 0) //Line 5
number = -number; //Line 6
<< "Line 7: The
absolute value of "
<< temp << " is " << number <<
return 0;
Relational Operators:
make decisions, you must be able to express conditions and make comparisons.
For example, the interest rate and service charges on a checking account might
depend on the balance at the end of the month. If the balance is less than some
minimum balance, not only is the interest rate lower, but there is also usually
a service charge. Therefore, to determine the interest rate, you must be able
to state the minimum balance and compare the account balance with the minimum
balance (a condition). The premium on an insurance policy is also determined by
stating conditions and making comparisons. For example, to determine an
insurance premium, you must be able to check the smoking status of the
policyholder. Nonsmokers (the condition) receive lower premiums than smokers.
Both of these examples involve comparing items. Certain items are compared for
equality against a particular condition; others are compared for inequality
(greater than or less than) against a particular condition.
. Relational operators C++, as shown
in table
Less than or equal
Greater than or equal
Equal to equal to
Not equal to
Less than
Greater than
Logical (Boolean) Operators
and Logical Expressions:
section describes how to form and evaluate logical expressions that are
combinations of other logical expressions. Logical
(Boolean) operators enable you to combine logical
expressions. C++ has three logical (Boolean) operators, as shown in
Less than or equal
Greater than or equal
Equal to equal to
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